Thursday, October 7, 2010

Fall is here... finally!

We tried to get some "autumn" pictures of Teddy at the entrance to our neighborhood. It was late in the afternoon though, so we didn't try too hard. Maybe next time we'll sit him on the ground by the pumpkins. We are so excited it is finally cooling off down here. We even get to break out our long sleeved clothes! As usual, Teddy has been a busy boy. He continues to get more and more fun to play with every single day. He is crawling all over, pulling himself up to stand, and "cruising" a little bit. He loves to feed himself finger foods, and his favorite seems to be peas:
Teddy says, "Give peas a chance!"
Teddy is my little buddy and goes with me everywhere. He is such a good sport and is so much fun to have with me. The other day we were at Target and I couldn't resist putting this on his head and snapping a picture: We are really fortunate to have several playgrounds with in walking distance of our house, and now that it is finally cooler outside, Teddy and I have been enjoying them. He really seems to like the swing:
Teddy's hair is getting longer, and we continue to experiment with "hairstyles." I tried to spike it the other day by combing it back while it was wet. Check out the look:
Yikes! Not exactly what I was going for!
Oh my, 30 minutes later it looked ever funnier:This past weekend was fun for everyone at the Hoschek home. Teddy had babysitters TWO nights in a row because one of my oldest friends, Wendy, got married. We had a great time at the rehearsal dinner and the wedding, but I think Teddy had even more fun with his babysitters. We are so thankful for our family for helping us out! Friday night we took Teddy to Aunt Miriam and Uncle Jamie's house. Teddy was one of five children (my sister had a neighbor's son at her house as well). They ate dinner together, went to Jack's baseball game, and played and played. My sister texted me this picture Friday night with the caption, "Teddy has already learned how to feed his veggies to the dog." (Wonder where he'd get that from!)

Below: Teddy and Caroline at Jack's baseball game: When we got back to pick up Teddy, he certainly looked comfortable on his Aunt Miriam's lap:
Saturday night my parents came over and Teddy had a blast playing with his Grandma and Grandpa. We wanted to get a picture of Shae and me actually dressed up to go out, but when I saw the picture later I had to laugh:
Gotta love the ball pit and toys in the corner of our "dressed up" picture! Later on we snapped our own shot:
Sunday afternoon we enjoyed the beautiful weather by taking a blanket out to the grassy field behind our house. Shae was very excited to try out the jogging stroller:
My hero:
Teddy and his mommy hanging out:
(below) Teddy getting tickled (a regular occurrence):
Apparently both sides of the family can be credited for Teddy's "double chin":
Teddy had his 9 month check up with the pediatrician and Shae was able to join us:
Teddy is doing well... obviously growing VERY well! His new stats:
Height: 28 inches
Weight: 21 pounds
Cheeks: immeasurableWith Halloween approaching, I have been looking for a costume for Teddy. Of course he is going to be a teddy bear! Here's the head from the costume I found:
It was very cute, but I had to take it back because it was a little too snug around the waist and the cheeks!!! Guess I better look for a bigger size!
Lastly, one more picture of Teddy and his daddy:

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe he likes peas! His Dad didn't like anything green until he was a teenager! ;)
    You two look very nice all dressed up.
