Monday, November 12, 2012

Our New Blog

Because we have filled this blog to the limit with photos, we are starting a new blog.   You can visit our new page by clicking on this address: .  If you want to continue reading our blog, make sure you become a follower once you get there. Thanks!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Who me?

I just finished updating the blog with 2 posts, and attempted to add Leo's 2 month photo to the side of the blog.  But I got a very disturbing message that I have "exceeded the photo upload quota" and I can no longer upload pictures.  We will have to research into this to find a solution.  But I assure you that I will NOT be taking less pictures!!

Celebrate Good Times

We went on our first overnight trip as a family of four last weekend.  One of Shae's coworkers got married, so we went to the wedding in South Carolina.  When I told Teddy we were going on a trip, he was so excited he named his suitcase "Sukie."  After he helped me pack, he quickly rolled her to the top of the stairs and continued to periodically "check on Sukie" until we left the next day.  It was a 90 mile trip and we only had to stop 4 times.... traveling with two is definitely harder!  When we finally pulled into the hotel, Teddy said, "My cousins will be there!"  Poor guy thought we were going to visit family.  Luckily the hotel had a pool, a tv in the room (with cable!) and he got to pull "Sukie" so he   still had a blast. 
Luckily both boys still nap:
Before we left, I had to find the perfect outfit for Leo's first social event.
He was not amused to be my dress up doll.
Such handsome boys:
They must get it from their Dadda!
While juggling a 2 month old and an almost 3 year old at a reception was difficult, one thing is for sure.  Teddy had a BLAST!  He danced with every lady at the party... except for me.  When I asked to dance with him he said, "No" and ran.  At least Leo danced with me. 
Shae was a little sad that his role as best dancer at a wedding has now been taken over.  
When we left, Shae and I both felt it was at least 11:30pm... it was only 9:30.  We were all happy to get back to the hotel and to get in our comfortable pj's:
Isn't this one of the best smiles???
We even had some time to enjoy the pool:
We are in the middle of Fall Birthday Season here!  We celebrated Aunt Mir-mo's birthday this week:

Maggie read to the younger cousins. So sweet!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Leo is 2 Months Old

Leo is 2 months old already and it is hard to imagine our family with out him.  The time is flying by too quickly and he is growing bigger every single day.  His newborn clothes have been put away for weeks now, and I am slowly putting away the 0-3 month ones as well.  Today we moved up to size 3 diapers.  He is a very alert and sweet baby, and unless he is hungry or his tummy hurts, he is pretty content.   He has started giving us smiles, so my assistant and I tried to capture one on camera. 

Those are some juicy cheeks:
Here is a behind the scenes look... Leo with my assistant:

Of course after I took Leo out of the cute outfit, then we captured a smile:
At his 2 week appointment, Leo's pediatrician gave him some "homework"... he was told to start smiling and coo-ing by his 2 month appointment.  Here we are cramming for finals:
Happy boy:
His cowboy outfit from Wendy makes him smile!
When we are not doing "homework" we spend plenty of time resting with our friends:
Brothers in guitar shirts:
and Sesame Street:
At his 2 month appointment, poor Leo got 5 shots.  The doctor was very impressed by his growth and said at 14lbs he is in the 95th percentile of weight.  His head is in the 50th percentile, while his height is in the 25th percentile.  She was so impressed with his rolls that she took him to the nurses' station to show him off!  His homework for next time: to start giggling, grasp things with two hands, and roll over a few times.  I have to add that last time we went to the doctor's office, one of the nurses took a look at him and said, "He has some juicy thighs!"  Teddy was almost 10 months old the first time he was called juicy.  I think Leo is an overachiever; trying already to out do  his big brother. 

Monday, September 24, 2012

More September Fun

This is the last of my huge "catch up the blog" effort, so here goes...
It is football season so we headed off to one of our favorite places to catch a game: Buffalo Wild Wings.  Teddy enjoyed coloring:
Shae and his boys:
Love this hand-me-down from cousin Maverick!
After getting quotes to fix the top of our house, Shae decided to save us some money and take on the project himself.  It ended up being much more difficult than he anticipated, but it looks wonderful now and our wallets say THANK YOU!  Here he is up on the roof:
His view as Teddy plays t-ball:
We broke out Teddy's old bath chair for our big boy Leo:
First real bath went well!  I think it helps that our house is so warm- it probably felt good!  (I remember Teddy screaming during his baths, but it was the winter and very cold in our house!)
All clean:
Handsome boy:
(above) but I think they left off the "C" for this shirt... shouldn't it be "Mommy's Chunk"??? 
Below: check out this outfit on Leo just about a month ago:
Yes, those are supposed to be shorts!  Both the shirt and shorts were huge.  
Well, I tried it on again just a month later and check it out:
He is busting out of the shirt, but the shorts are still huge!!!  I think he is going to be built just like his big brother!
We received an amazing package in the mail from Great Aunt Sara with tons of cool personalized gifts.  Teddy was so excited with everything!! THANK YOU Aunt Sara!
Teddy LOVES his new puzzle!
Leo and all of his awesome gifts:
Teddy was quiet one afternoon and I found him in his room like this: (when I asked him what he was doing he said, "Just chill-ax'n"... yes he got that word from me!)
Our niece Caroline turned 12 on Sept. 12th so we headed up to Canton to celebrate with them.  We were comparing Leo to cousin Jack's baby picture:
Someone is checking out the birthday girl:
Cake with cousins:
Teddy loves Maggie, and I think the feeling is mutual!
(don't his feet look freakishly huge in the picture above though?)
Look at our muscle man:
Are you ready for the Gun Show???
Juggling two children definitely has it's challenging moments and sometimes I feel like I am always looking for somewhere to "set" Leo for a second here or there. The other day I set him on Teddy's chair and thought he looked so cute I had to click a quick picture:
Teddy is finally slowly outgrowing his 24mo/2T clothes.  We broke out this 3T I bought a year ago on sale.  Isn't our hippie boy cute??
I couldn't resist the shirt- it has two of Teddy's all time favorite things: peas and Elmo!
Check out this brotherly love:
More love:
When I told Teddy it was Grandma Suzie's birthday and we were going to sing to her, he got very excited.  I felt bad when I realized he thought we were going to see her in person.  We did make this video for her though:
Teddy is showing off his sticker-chart in the next picture.  We made a reward chart to help him follow directions and he filled it up in just a week!  I am a proud mamma!  As a prize he got to pick out one thing from the dollar store- you will never guess what he picked (two balls).
Teddy is still a really great napper! Most days he sleeps from 1-3:30 and sometimes even until 4:30.  He  always picks a "friend" to nap with.  This day he chose "Loverboy" the bear:
The other day Leo was crying as I was trying to throw dinner together.  I said to Teddy, "See if you can make your brother stop crying."  Teddy replied, "We should get rid of him."  I said, "Where would we take him?" and he quickly answered, "We should take him to Goodwill to share him with somebody else."  Of course I laughed hysterically so he said it about 25 more times.
 I even caught it on tape:
But he loves him!  He couldn't really give him away!
All dressed up for a birthday party:
PJ time.  What sweet kisses:
I could blame it on the perspective of this photo....
but really, those are some JUICY cheeks:
We attempted to take the boys to watch The Great Annual Duck Race down by the river.  Unfortunately we got the location mixed up.  But fortunately we still enjoyed a yummy picnic lunch:
Leo understands the idea of relaxing:
After the picnic we hit the playground:
One of my friends gave us these adorable t-shirts.  This is one of my all time favorite pictures ever:
Oh my goodness such cuteness:
Shew...I am almost caught up on this blog.  One last shot one of our first trips to the grocery store with two kids.  Life is definitely different but it is also amazing!