Sunday, April 24, 2011

April Festivities

I am behind on updating the blog again but this time unfortunately it is due to some difficult circumstances. Teddy's cousin Maggie has been very sick and in and out of the hospital since early Easter morning. She ended up having an emergency appendectomy on Wed. April 28, and while she is going to be just fine, the recovery is long and painful. Even though we are hopeful she will be home for Mother's Day, we are also just taking it day by day at this point. I have several posts to update, but this one will include the April Festivities. I will hopefully finish the posts including his 16 month update and his trip to Nashville soon as well.

We started off celebrating Easter early with the Moms club Spring Fling. It was Teddy's very first Easter egg hunt. This first picture pretty much captures exactly what he did for the entire "hunt":
Once he found an egg, he sat down and played with it. He didn't pick up any others, although his friends handed him some eggs:
It was a beautiful day and we had a great time at the Spring Fling.
Teddy tried to pushhis friend Vanley around:
Teddy had a lot of fun at the "bouncy place" we went to a few weeks ago. (Except for when he slipped, fell, and busted his top lip. Don't worry, I was definitely more traumatized by the blood than he was). Here he hangs with some buddies:
Teddy LOVED the bouncy that had some basketball goals in it. He tried to get a basket:
He tried and tried until he wore himself out:
We went to some garage sales a few weekends ago and found lots of "treasures" for Teddy. Someone even gave us these weights so Teddy can get buff:
April is one of our birthday filled months. Between Teddy's Aunt Sam, Uncle Hal, Grandma, cousin Jack, and me... we have lots of birthdays to celebrate! Shae always makes me a yummy cake, and this year he chose to make an icecream cake. It was SOOOO yummy! Here are some shots of the cake in progress:
Mmmmmmm.... mint chocolate- my favorite!
Of course we went to Provino's with my family for dinner. My brother and I enjoyed our free meals (we have the same birthday) and all of the cousins were rowdy together. Good thing everyone else in the side room also had loud kids! Here I am with little miss Maggie:
Waiting (not so patiently) for our food:
Teddy colored his menu:
Maggie let Teddy wear her stylish hat:
Aw... Shae and his "copy":
A family photo 4/17/11:
We all came back to our house for cake and presents after dinner. And of course the cousins got to PLAY:
There's the finished product of Shae's awesome cake:
(Notice Uncle Hal on the right... also celebrating his birthday). The ice cream cake was WONDERFUL!

On the 19th, my mom, dad, Shae, and I went to see Bob Seger in concert. It was a great show and we all had lots of fun:
Since the concert was at Phillips, we took Teddy to his Uncle Hal and Aunt Jenn's house so they could babysit. Turns out Teddy was a fussy boy, who only wanted his Uncle Hal:
On April 20th we celebrated another special birthday!
Happy Birthday Grandma Judy:
The last birthday in April we celebrate belongs to Teddy's only boy cousin- Jack. He turned five this year and we went to his very cool Star Wars themed party on Friday the 22nd. While all of the older boys played with lightsabers and doing relay races (GO JACK):
Teddy found something of Maggie's that he liked:
(Little does he know- his mamma had a cute silver car like this once upon a time... only to be traded in for a more kid-friendly/car seat friendly car). Teddy also had fun playing pat-a-cake with Maggie:
He also hung out with cousin Caroline:
Jack blowing out candles on his very cool Star Wars cake:
Teddy got the best view thanks to Uncle Jamie:
And when nobody was looking (except maybe grandma)... Teddy made his move and grabbed a lightsaber:
Good thing Jack had such a great party planned for the Friday before his birthday. Because we all spent the evening of his actual birthday (April 25) in the children's hosptial with poor Maggie! We did have cupcakes in her room and quietly sang to Jack.
The Saturday before Easter, we took Teddy to the local Spring Fling for his second egg hunt:
Now that he had one hunt under his belt, he was ready to go. Sort of. He needed a little help:
Later that day, we were all hanging out in the front yard. I guess Teddy decided he wanted to help Daddy with the garden... he dug a nice sized hole in the yard. See how proud he was:
On Easter morning Teddy woke to find out the Easter Bunny had been in his room and left him all sorts of treats:
(This Jewish mommy noticed the Easter Bunny must shop at the same yard sales that we do... this stuff looks vaguely familiar!)
After they got up and dressed, Teddy and Shae went downstairs for another egg hunt. Teddy finally got the hang of it:
(Good job boys... except that as of today, I still know of at least 2 eggs you haven't found yet!)
Happy Easter!
Teddy also had fun coloring the great coloring book his sweet Aunt Sara sent:
But he took a break from coloring to take a call... on his baseball:
But he didn't stop coloring for long.... this boy can multi-task:
We also had fun coloring outside with Teddy's new sidewalk chalk:

Here is one last silly picture before I end this really long post. Teddy's favorite food these days seems to be oranges. He LOVES them and will even say "orange" when he wants one... or two... or three (he eats that may of the little ones at a time!) Well, the other day, he somehow got a hold of one before I realized it. I guess he wanted it so much that he didn't even wait for me to peel it:
Yikes that boy has some great teeth!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Bye bye mullet

As usual, Teddy has been a busy little boy... busy playing, eating, walking, and trying out new words. And of course, busy checking out playgrounds. We went to the PDK airport after a Moms club activity with some of Teddy's friends because they have a great playground. But I think Teddy's grandpa Bud would be proud of what he chose to play with... out of all of the cool things on the playground:
For such a little guy... Teddy sure can make a mess. And in a VERY short time! Check out what he did to our living room in just a few minutes:
All that playing (and messing up a house) makes a little boy tired! But before bedtime, he and his father do a little reading:
We went to Hastings Garden center and Teddy had a great time watching the train, looking at the fish (he did try to eat the fish food.. yuck), and watching the parrots. But of course his favorite thing to do was to watch the older children run around and play.
I'm putting in this next picture because I absolutely love his little slippers! They are bears and they were a birthday gift. Now that Teddy is walking all over they are extra cute (but it's too hard to catch a picture while he's walking)
Teddy's cousins were on Spring Break last week, so we went to the zoo with them on Friday. Again, Teddy had more fun watching his cousins than looking at the animals, but we had a great time!
COUSINS in a bird's nest:
Teddy's absolute FAVORITE part of the day though, was when Caroline and Maggie shared their "dippin' dots" with him:
So, you probably noticed in these pictures that Teddy's hair has been growing and growing. After many "not so subtle" hints from family and friends, we finally decided to take Teddy for his first hair cut. Bye bye mullet- hello big boy! Here's a before picture (do you think it was time?):
Here goes:
Teddy did fabulous- I think he had a great time! (Who wouldn't between the 3 wheeler, the elmo movies, and the toys?) In fact, the nice lady told us he was her best customer all day. At first I thought maybe she says that everyone, but then I remembered while waiting for our turn we heard two very unhappy children crying their hearts out. Lucky for us, the only one close to tears was me. I can't believe how fast Teddy is growing!
After from the back:
On Sunday night we decided to treat ourselves to eating out. Shae strapped on the back pack and we walked up to Twisted Taco. It was just like "old times"... except we had a baby and we were eating before 5:30! But it was very fun.
I think we're probably in the process of dropping Teddy's morning nap. As I type this, I have given up on today's in hope for a long mid-afternoon nap. But over the weekend, during his morning nap, Teddy struck an adorable pose I had to capture:
We hope everyone is having a great week!