Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Teddy is EIGHT months old!!!

Not only did Teddy turn EIGHT months old on Sat., but I also got the day off! Yes, you read that right. On Sat. Shae declared it "Mommy day off" at our house. He changed all the diapers and took over all of the "Teddy duties" so I actually had an entire day off. Shae made my breakfast and lunch, and we went out to eat for dinner. We also went to two farmer's markets and to the pool. I felt so light not pushing a stroller or carrying a diaper bag! It was really fun and I know I am very lucky to have such a great husband!
But back to the blog, since this is Teddy's blog... These pictures are getting harder and harder to take. Teddy will easily smile, but he does NOT want to sit still! You can tell by these "out-takes":
Luckily Shae caught Teddy before he tumbled off of the rocking chair!
We may have to move these pictures to the floor!
"Yummy bear!"

Now that Teddy is getting bigger, and he has six (working on seven and eight) teeth, he is ready to start brushing them. OK, not really... but we are getting there:
He'd actually rather hit Shae on the belly with his toothbrush!
Teddy is definitely getting more mobile. Although he is not technically crawling, he is scooting and rolling all over the place. The other morning he was so proud as he slid all over the kitchen floor:
Another exciting thing happening as Teddy gets older is the return of his hair!!! When he was first born, he had a whole head of dark brown hair. We used to spike it all up when it was wet to style it, but as his hair got thinner and thinner the hair-do disappeared. Guess what has returned:
OK, so maybe now it's more like one little spot that sticks up, rather than spiked hair... but it's a start, and he seems to like it:
Teddy is growing so much he has outgrown his infant car seat!!!! Although he is getting so big, he suddenly looks small again in his new car seat:
Although he is growing every day (or maybe because he is growing every day) Teddy still takes several naps a day. And he still loves to cover his face when he sleeps. And he will nap pretty much anywhere he becomes tired. Here is what he did all by himself when he was getting tired while playing on his owl blanket:
Good thing he has his favorite napping buddy:

Monday, August 23, 2010

Teddy LOVES visitors!!!

Teddy is becoming more and more interested in the world around him every day. And he seems to really love being around other people. He especially enjoys having people come over to visit; he smiles, laughs, babbles, and shows off all of his new talents!!! Two college ladies came to visit Teddy this week between their Summer and Fall classes. (He is pretty popular with the ladies!) My cousin Jamie took a break from LSU and visited us. We had a great time swimming, hanging out, and even clogging with her. Jamie is great with children- all of the little cousins adore her!Of course, when Teddy has visitors, he has to make sure he smells good. He seems to like his new bath, and we are grateful we got it. He is a very slippery and wiggly little boy! My friend Aghigh took a break from Temple University and came to visit too. We were SO excited to visit with her. Teddy had a great time playing with her as well.
On Sunday, my parents came over so they could also visit with Aghigh, her mom Pouran, and her boyfriend Henry. It was wonderful to see everyone! Above: Teddy meets Mrs. Khavar
above: Teddy playing with silly Ms. Aghigh
Teddy also showed off one of his newest talents- standing holding on to something. He LOVES doing this, he smiles and screams he is so excited!
He will also stand holding onto your hands as you can see below. Do you like my lovely new accessories on my wrist and elbow? I can thank tendinitis and "tennis elbow"... no I have never played tennis in my life. I think it should actually be called "Teddy-itis" and "Teddy Elbow" since pushing him in the stroller (ok so maybe I do go on excessively long walks every day with him) and picking him up led to the injuries! He's SO worth it though!! And I certainly can't claim to have been injury-free before he entered my life- Hah! Good thing Teddy loves this carrier as well. I may have to start using it on our walks in the mornings so I can take a break from pushing the stroller. (Let's hope I don't throw out my back in the process! Those cheeks and thighs are NOT light!)
above: Shae and his mini-me!
Having all these visitors will work up a boy's appetite. Here he is getting fed by his favorite man (notice Teddy's new hairstyle-we like to call this his "handsome" look):
Shae is an awesome Daddy and he does so much for us. Not only does he work hard every day, but he also helps out tons when he is home. In his very limited free time, he has been growing all sorts of treats in his garden. Here he is with his latest crop! YUMMY! Lastly- I have posted videos of Teddy "jumping" in his jumper before, but he has finally actually gotten the hang of it:

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

More Summer Fun!

Teddy is continuing to grow and change this summer. He is probably close to crawling now- he gets up on all fours and scoots and rolls all over the place, and he is able to stand if he is holding on to furniture or a person. He is also a focused little boy... once he decides to do something, he is set on doing it. He will try and try until he accomplishes what he wants (of course usually what he wants is to get one thing or another into his mouth). He does not give up though! For example, he decided he wanted to eat the string on his shorts: Surrounded by toys, but all he wanted was to eat his shorts string!

Teddy went to happy hour again at Shae's work. Here he poses with some of Shae's work friends: After happy hour, we were feeling brave and took Teddy out to eat. Teddy enjoyed some rice cereal:
As Teddy has become bigger and more mobile, he has outgrown his bath chair. I am so nervous with him in the big bath tub because he is so curious, he loves to explore, and he is so slippery! We got this inflatable duck for him to bathe in. Here Teddy practices giving his stuffed dog a bath:
Teddy really loves his daddy, and he especially loves to relax and nap with him. Here are my two favorite guys just hanging out: Last week we added blueberries to Teddy's menu. I decided to feed him naked in an attempt to minimize the mess and prevent staining. Look how nice and clean he is BEFORE eating: OH MY blueberries make a MESS! And I'm the "neater" feeder!!!

They were messy, but Teddy loved them!
Teddy takes many naps (I wonder where he would get that from?) He's funny though- he loves to cover his face with his bear. Of course this means Shae and I obsessively check to make sure he is breathing!! Here are a few typical pictures of him napping:
Teddy's cousin Maggie turned 7 this week. She had a "Spa" birthday party at her house. Since I was enlisted to work as "staff" at the spa, Teddy came with me to their house. Teddy hung out with the girls for a little while before going out for pizza with Uncle Jamie and cousin Jack. The birthday girl poses in her fancy clothes: Above: The seven-year-olds cracked me up as they said "Here's to Maggie" as they clanked their Sprites together (note the personalized leopard koozies my sister made for each girl!)
Above: the "staff" had a short break as the party guests enjoyed cupcakes.
Above: Maggie shared some "dress up" clothes with Teddy!
One of my close friends is getting married soon, and her bachelorette party consisted of an entire day up at the lake, followed by a dinner, and then a shower. This meant an whole day and evening for father son time! It was the longest I have ever been away from my little man, but I knew he was in excellent hands with his daddy!!! As a typical Jewish mother, I pumped for weeks ahead of time and ended up with an entire freezer full of stockpiled frozen milk (none of which they needed since there was enough in the refrigerator!!!) Teddy and Shae had a great day together. They spent the afternoon at a park by the river: and that night the family celebrated Maggie's birthday. Here's Shae on diaper duty at the Gibsons':
I'm sure that everything went well even though I wasn't there... I am sure it was calm, right...?Below Grandma Judy smiles with all of her grandchildren (Jack is hiding behind her):
Teddy and Violet:
Teddy and Maggie:
It has been SO hot here, we have continued to enjoy the pool as much as possible. Teddy seems to really like it as well, thank goodness!
Only thing better than swimming at the pool... is napping with Daddy at the pool!!
We hosted play group again this week and Teddy was awake for almost all of it! Here he is at the end though:
One thing that Shae and I are learning as new parents is that nothing stays the same. Every time we think we sort of have the hang of something, it changes and we feel clueless again. Another thing we are learning is that there are just as many clashing opinions on the "right" way to handle every single issue with a child as there are children. One example is the "simple" issue of sleep. Teddy was sleeping beautifully 9-10 hours a night, for about two months. However, a few months ago, he started waking up again every few hours. Was it because of his teething? Or all of our traveling? Who knows? But of course we have been reading all sorts of books and information in an attempt to once again enjoy a peaceful night of sleep. The only reason I am even writing this is to explain this next video. I had to laugh when I walked into the bedroom one evening to find this (make sure to turn up the volume to get the full effect):

The book is called, "Nighttime parenting- How to Get Your Baby and Child to Sleep." I don't think the "getting him to sleep" is the problem! Either that, or this book REALLY works!
Of course, getting Teddy to nap has never been a challenge: