Sunday, November 28, 2010

Teddy is ELEVEN months old!

I can not believe that for our next monthly picture, Teddy will be a year! But let's not jump ahead. For now, he is 11 months old:
Teddy continues to be a very happy and healthy little boy. He is generally very very happy, unless he is hungry or tired. (Wonder where he got that from...) He is really outgoing and smiles and babbles at everyone wherever we go (that I really don't know where he got. Maybe from some of his outgoing aunts). He continues to be so much fun, and he loves playing, exploring, and being silly. Although he is not walking yet, he is faster at cruising and will stand on his own for several seconds at a time. He is just growing SO fast!
You'll notice that the sign has now been moved way over Teddy's head.
because of this:
These pictures got even more difficult this month, as Teddy has taken on the hobby break-dancing:
in a rocking chair...
Here are some pictures I snapped over a span of less than a minute. They are in the order I took them to give you and idea of Teddy's dance number:
umm... can I get a spotter please.....?
I'll end this post with a silly little video of our silly little man:

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Teddy's First Thanksgiving

We have many things to be thankful for this year. Of course Teddy is at the top of that list!
I love this next picture because it shows off one of Teddy's finest features.... his cheeks:
This next picture is of Teddy and me before we went to Thanksgiving dinner at my sister's house. We are posing with the awesome sign Shae and Teddy made for me.
When we got to my sister's, my parents surprised us with tropical outfits for all of the grandchildren. My parents had just returned from a cruise, and they requested a family photo in the outfits.
(above) Jack and Teddy sport their new outfits. Jack liked his so much he kept it on for the rest of the night.
(above) Teddy plays with his buddy Henry.
(above) Grandpa Bud with all of his grandchildren.
Once the pictures were finished it was time to get down to business..... and EAT.
(above) Shae sitting at the children's table. I think Teddy is thinking, "What are YOU doing at this table?"
(above) Teddy enjoys turkey. I'm pretty sure he LOVED this holiday!
(above) Teddy is thankful for his Daddy. So am I!!!!
My dad's birthday was on the 22nd, but he was driving home from Florida that day. So, we also celebrated his special day on Thanksgiving. Happy Birthday Dad!
(above) Grandpa poses with his new presents. The hat is from Georgia (the country) and the puzzle is from us (of country music singers).
We had a wonderful time with family and are so grateful for all of our family members both near and far. Shae and I continued our holiday weekend by going to my parents' mountain house in Blairesville, Ga. Before we left though, Shae had to put the finishing touches on his homemade wine:
Below is a picture of Teddy and me at the cabin.
Yes, we ARE in matching purple sweatshirts. If you think that is bad, wait until you see more of the pictures.
(above) Shae and Teddy at the cabin.
Teddy enjoys a meal in the mountains. On purple chairs. With purple curtains behind him. And purple on the table cloth.
Shae and I had not been to the cabin since I was pregnant with Teddy over a year ago. We were excited to go for a walk in the mountains.
On Sat. we drove out to Lake Nottley to check out the beautiful view. And the dam. Yes, I married my dad!
(above) Teddy and I enjoy the gorgeous day. That is until it starts getting really really windy. I don't think Teddy appreciated that part:
For the weekend, we wanted to make sure that Teddy understood the rule my mom set for the mountain house. You have to relax when you are there. You are supposed to "leave all of your troubles and worries at the bottom of the mountain." I think Teddy grasped this idea very well:
(above) Teddy is napping... in a purple room. Shae and I wanted to make sure Teddy understood the full concept of vacation. So in the next picture- here we are at the local pizza buffet. Teddy loved the pizza!
Lounging around is also another must for vacation:
And cuddling. And even watching TV! I was so excited when I remembered they have satellite. Since we cancelled our cable, we haven't watched much TV. I am pretty sure we watched enough over the weekend to last us until next Thanksgiving!
It was really neat to bring Teddy to the cabin. My mom has the house full of children's toys and it is cool because I can remember being there when my sister's children were babies and they played with these same toys.
(above) Teddy loved the toy ice cream!
(above) Teddy in the pack-n-play. Note- the purple couch in the room.
Shae enjoyed his own home made wine!
But it wasn't all fun and games. Shae worked with Teddy to practice climbing up and down stairs:
Teddy also made time for some yoga:
(above) I believe that pose is the side plank. Notice how advanced he is. Teddy is able to do yoga while holding on to his ice cream!
So, a quick recap: at the cabin we had no worrying, pizza, relaxing, TV, and everything is purple. No wonder I love that cabin! Teddy loved it too:
Although it did wear him out:
We hope that everyone had a happy and healthy holiday. I am so thankful for my family and friends, and their health and happiness. I am especially grateful for my wonderful husband!

Back to Posting!

I have had difficulty uploading pictures to the blog all week. While I enjoy doing the blog, I do NOT enjoy feeling behind. I am excited that the computer is now working again, and I have lots to update. I'm going to back date the blogs so that they will appear in chronological order. Here are some links to the latest updates:

Thanksgiving and Teddy's monthly pictures are coming soon!

13.1 Miles for Lisette!

She did it! Lisette completed the Atlanta Half-Marathon this morning! It was her first half-marathon and she did great! She trained very hard for it and overcame the following obstacles:

-- She got a nasty stomach virus and was very sick for a couple of days which threw her training off.
-- Finding time to run as a mother of an infant.
-- Lack of sleep (See above).
-- Trying to stay hydrated with the Hoover Vacuum (Teddy) still feeding from her.

In any event, Teddy and I are very proud of her. Here are some pictures from the race day.

Lisette's sister Miriam ran it also and below is her oldest daughter Caroline and Teddy watching the runners in Piedmont Park around mile 6.5. Teddy was very excited about the sign he helped me create for Lisette although the sign looks like Teddy made it himself based on my poor penmanship.

Teddy had fun watching the runners. He and his sign were a big hit!
I was all excited because we found a great location at Piedmont Park with a great view. I thought I took great video of both Miriam and Lisette running by but unfortunately, my poor camera work left me with no videos of either except for a two second blurb of Lisette running away from us. But this was just one of my many blunders during the morning. I made about eight wrong turns trying to get to the finish line (Teddy and Caroline in first picture below) and to top it off, I forgot the nipple for Teddy's bottle! You can see me trying to feed him milk by pouring the bottle directly into his mouth in the second picture below.All is well that ends well, I guess. Teddy got fed and we found Lisette and Miriam after they finished. Proud Caroline poses with her Mom.Sis-tas with their medals! Below is a close-up of the shirt that Miriam made for them to run in.An excited Teddy with his Mommy after she finished the race. Yaaaaay Mommmmy!But at last, cheering your Mommy on during a half-marathon is hard work. Somebody needed a nap afterwards!Congratulations Lisette!! Good Job!!