Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Teddy is four months old!!

I can't believe Teddy is already 4 months old today!!! Everyone told us to enjoy the time because "it goes by so fast." And it REALLY REALLY does!! Here are a few pictures of Teddy with his "Hug Me" bear.
"I bet I could eat that bear!"

This week we decided Teddy is finally big enough for his bouncer. I have heard over and over from my mom how much my sister, brother, and I loved ours. My sister's children also bounced and bounced in theirs. I was so excited to put Teddy in his.
"You really want me to jump??!?"
OK, so maybe he enjoyed it more as a lounger... but I bet one of these days he will jump!

We are very excited for our upcoming trip (though we are also a bit nervous about traveling so far with a baby!) I have been trying to get everything ready all week. This included getting out my sister's old pack-n-play, cleaning it off, reading all the directions, practicing setting it up, and of course- testing it out with Teddy. Funny little boy- he seems to love it. But I'm not sure the changing table is where he is supposed to sleep!!
Here's Teddy after an afternoon of running errands. So maybe by now you are noticing a theme in Teddy's pictures! I think he gets it from Shae!
Teddy is a great sleeper just like his Daddy!!! Since last weekend, he has slept at least 10 hours each night! It's GREAT!!!! Thank you Teddy! I feel like a new person!!!

Here's a random video of Teddy enjoying another new little treat! Thanks Madalyn!

Teddy has really started to use his voice more during the past week or so. Here is a video of him singing and talking.
We hope everyone is doing well and having a great week!

Monday, April 26, 2010


April is filled with birthdays for Teddy's family! He wishes a Happy Birthday to his Aunt Sam, Uncle Hal, Grandma Judy, and Cousin Jack!!! Teddy loves birthdays:

Here Teddy celebrates with Grandma Judy and Cousin Caroline on April 20th.

Jack turned 4 on April 25th. Here Jack enjoys a Spiderman cupcake. Teddy watched jealously as Jack ate his treat!

Teddy looks thrilled to be surrounded by his older cousins! And this is only half of them!!! He gets to see the other half next week!!!!

April isn't just for birthdays though. Teddy also wishes everyone a Happy Earth Day as he spreads the word to please think green and recycle!

Teddy does his part to reduce, reuse, and recycle. Here he reuses some of cousin Jack's old shorts!
Here are a couple more cute pictures to share of Teddy!

We can't wait to take Teddy on his first major road trip! Teddy will get to visit with his Grandma Susie, Grandpa Steve, and Aunt Sam again, and he will also get to meet the rest of his aunts, uncles, and cousins. We are so excited to see everyone!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Celebrate Good Times... Come on!

Teddy has had a very fun week full of celebrations- for babies, birthdays, and weddings! On Friday, Teddy went to Lisette's old work for a baby shower. He had a great time playing with all of the teachers. Then the rest of the weekend we celebrated birthdays and a wedding!

Teddy poses with Kashewa and the gorgeous flowers Shae sent to Lisette. What a neat birthday surprise!

On Saturday, we took our first road trip with Teddy. We went to Millegeville, GA for our friend Jennifer's wedding. The drive was about 2.5 hours each way- and it was a success. Good news, since we are going on the road soon to visit family in Iowa. We only hope our next road trip will go this smoothly!

Here Teddy and Shae stretch their legs at a stop. Don't worry, we put Teddy's pants on before we got to the wedding!

Having a baby gives a whole new meaning to the idea of tailgating!!!!!!The wedding was beautiful. Here Shae and Teddy are enjoying the reception.

We made it back to Roswell just in time to meet family for a birthday dinner at Provino's to celebrate Lisette and Uncle Hal's birthdays.

Teddy poses with his Aunt Miriam.Yes-Shae did make a heart shaped cake. It was Death By Chocolate and was DELICIOUS! Here cousin Caroline smiles with Teddy and Aunt Lisette.Cousin Maggie plays with Teddy. As usual, she is wearing leopard print.On Sunday, we had a family picnic by the river. I put Teddy in a new shirt I couldn't resist. It's hard to read on here, but his shirt says, "Mommy's little teddy bear." Who is ready for a picnic?

Teddy is ready for a picnic!Shae and Teddy at the river. Our wedding photographer would be proud of the pose!

Oh no, Daddy forgot to put Teddy's pants back on after his diaper change! At least you can really admire his belly from this angle!Family portrait time. Not great- but we did take it ourselves. And now for some random pictures of Teddy.
Teddy enjoys leisurely reading a book from Grandma Susie. I'm not
bragging, but... it is in 3 different languages!

Teddy is a busy boy. Just in the last week or so, he has started enjoying playing in his exersaucer. As he plays with the pigs and cows, his father explains to him the injustice in our country's farming industry.

(notice the rolls on the thighs below!!)

Here's a close up on my favorite t-shirt!
You may have noticed that Teddy has been losing his hair! Check out how much thinner it is. It is a very interesting hairline actually. He has a bald spot that goes all the way around the back of his head, and then a circle of hair left in the middle. Quite the look, isn't it?? Well, a busy week will definitely wear a guy out! And his little son too!

Monday, April 12, 2010


So, every weekend has to start of with a nice refreshing bath! In the past few weeks, Teddy has stopped screaming through out his baths and even started smiling during them. What a relief!!!! And you can see- nothing tastes better than a clean thumb! (He only recently figured out how to suck on it).
We started the weekend early at our house. Thursday Teddy and I decided to cheer Shae up after the Cubs lost 2 of 3 games to the Braves- by putting this outfit on Teddy. The outfit and blanket were gifts made by Teddy's Aunt Miriam.

On Friday, Lisette and Teddy went to visit Shae at work during "happy hour." Teddy got to meet some of Shae's co-workers, and we figure Teddy has been freeloading off of us long enough. It's time this little man learned about going to work so he can start pulling his weight (though his weight in increasing daily!)

Here Shae shows Teddy what he looks at on his computer all day long at work:

I think that Teddy was confused- he thought we were visiting for Grumpy Hour!

So, it is official- poor Teddy has tragically been given the silliest, goofiest, and cheesiest parents of all! On Sat. we visited Grandma Judy and decided to have Cowboy Baby Photo-shoot number two. But this time, we made it a family affair!

It's hard to tell in these pictures, but we all have on our cowboy boots!

Every cowboy needs a cow!

All of Grandma Judy and Grandpa Bud's grandchildren have been subjected to this cow. Some have enjoyed it, while others have been terrified by it. Hopefully Teddy was not too traumatized by this!

Photo shoots will wear a cowboy out!

This last picture's for Aunt Sam!

On Sunday, Shae went fishing in our neighborhood lake and we walked over so Teddy could see Shae's boat. (I tried to show him the boat last weekend, but by the time we walked all the way to the lake, Teddy was sound asleep!) Yes, Spring is definitely here in GA. (Note the disgusting yellow coating of pollen on the lake).

Yay- Teddy woke up this time!! One day you two can fish together.

I just wanted to include a couple of other miscellaneous pictures in this post. Here's Teddy with one of his newest tricks:

I have to show off one of Teddy's finest features (it is a close tie with his round belly).

Check out those cheeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And lastly- the smile that makes our day!